Contact Us
Customer Service
24 Hr Customer Service Phone
(408) 279-7900
Mail Payments to:
San Jose Water
P.O. Box 7045
Pasadena, CA 91109-7045
Main Office
San Jose Water
110 West Taylor St.
San Jose, CA 95110-2131
View map
Main Office Phone
(408) 279-7900
Please note our call center is closed from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM on the second Friday of the month.
Our office is closed to walk-in customers effective March 2020.
For portable meter pickup, please go to Bascom location:
Purchasing Department
1251 S. Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
View map
Media Inquiries
For all media inquiries, please email
Water Service Contacts
The office will be closed on the following holidays
Thanksgiving Day | |
Day after Thanksgiving | |
Company Holiday | |
Christmas Day | |
New Year's Day | |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
Presidents' Day | |
Cesar Chavez Day | |
Memorial Day | |
Independence Day | |
Labor Day | |
Indigenous People’s Day | |
Veterans' Day | |
Thanksgiving Day | |
Day after Thanksgiving | |
Company Holiday | |
Christmas Day |